The Passing of Time
It's interesting how our perception of time evolves as we grow older. In a cruel changing of the tides, we shift from a naive belief that...
The Passing of Time
#30 Tell my story
#29 Ride in a hot air balloon
#28 Digitize my journals
#27 Be the good
#26 Move to Arizona
#21-25: Personal goals
#20 Donate my hair (again)
#19 Go on more hikes
#18 Become a Certified Yoga Instructor
# 17 Read more books
#16 Write more letters
#11-15 Farmitude (Farm+Gratitude)
#10 Become a WWOOFer
#9 Make Gigi's chocolate pie
#8 Meet a kangaroo
#7 Help Save the Bees
#6 Social Media Hiatus
#5 Buy a new(ish) car
#4 Let it Grow